ANDRITZ Metals video gallery

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Image video, including example of automotive industry


Our commitment to sustainability


Processing Lines

Annealing and pickling lines for stainless steel

Continuous Galvanizing Lines for lastest AHSS

Continuous Galvanizing Lines for AHSS

Carbon Steel Pickling and Acid Management

Continuous Pickling and Galvanizing Lines


PYROMARS "Mixed acid regeneration plants"

ZEMAP (Zero Effluent Mixed Acid Pickling) process: rinse water treatment.

ANDRITZ – The technology partner of Rizhao Steel

Acid regeneration plants

Rolling Mills

Assembly and testing of a 20-High Rolling Mill

Advanced S6-high technology for cold rolling

S6-high rolling mill technology for AHSS

Sundwig MonoBlock

Inline Skin Pass Mills for carbon steel applications


Aluminium round top charge melter and tilting holder



Digital Solutions

Metris eXtended Reality

Intelligent Plant Floor Management

Advanced Furnace Control