


Our sustainability vision:

Sustainability and customer focused service and technology leader for flat product processing

Sustainability covers environmental, social (i.e. being an attractive employer and health and safety topics) and governance aspects.


Sustainability is the main driver of innovation at ANDRITZ Metals and is dedicated to the following strategic objectives:

For ANDRITZ, the production of green hydrogen is an indispensable future technology for the energy sector globally, in consideration of the main climate targets. Thus, ANDRITZ is focusing on the development of large-scale green hydrogen production plants. Hydrogen production is enabled by green energy sources that do not generate CO2 emissions, such as photovoltaics, wind energy and hydropower.

Environmentally sustainable production, circular economy: We are focusing on sustainable solutions, climate protection and conservation of resources on the basis of the well-established environmental-social-governance (ESG) framework. In doing so, we are building on a broad range of solutions for recycling waste acid and wastewater, reducing CO2 and NOx emissions, and contributing towards a toxin-free environment.

Our commitment to sustainability


It is our responsibility to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ANDRITZ products and from the upstream processes along the manufacturing chain to secure a sustainable future for our industry. We strive to achieve decarbonization by accurately determining the material flow related to GHG emission scopes 1, 2 and 3 according to international standards and drive continuous improvement of the specific measures to reduce these emissions.

Digitalization is understood by ANDRITZ as a key enabler for smart plant control, which makes resource-efficient production possible in combination with increased profitability while maintaining highest environmental standards. By integrating powerful digital solutions into their systems, our customers will achieve the best productivity and efficiency goals possible on the market. We combine domain know-how with expertise in automation and digitalization.

ANDRITZ commits to consequent substitution of SVHCs (substances of very high concern) in its products in accordance with the EU Waste Framework Directive. This is an important milestone in achieving plant operation in a toxin-free environment, which is considered to be a significant contribution towards fulfilling the goals of the circular economy.

These sustainable objectives are in line with the focus on helping our customers to deliver their products exactly as requested, on time and with consistent quality. The four main pillars in achieving these objectives are increasing asset value, increasing product quality, improving production performance, and securing sustainable production.

Our sustainable innovation activities are assisted by our seven research and development test centers in Europe and the USA.



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We target_AdobeStock_388306986

ESG GOALS (English)

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The ANDRITZ Metals' sustainable products

Carbon steel

Stainless steel

